API Reference

HydrostaticShape(radius, rho, omega, gm, r_ref)

Calculate the shape of hydrostatic relief in a rotating planet or moon, along with the total gravitation potential.

HydrostaticShapeLith(radius, rho, ilith, ...)

Calculate the shape of hydrostatic relief in a rotating planet or moon with a non-hydrostatic lithosphere, along with the total gravitation potential of the hydrostatic interfaces.

pyMoho(pot, topo, lmax, rho_c, rho_m, thickave)

Calculate the relief along the crust-mantle interface assuming a constant density crust and mantle.

pyMohoRho(pot, topo, density, porosity, ...)

Calculate the relief along the crust-mantle interface assuming a constant density mantle and a laterally varying crustal density.

InertiaTensor_from_C(C, potential[, ...])

Calculate the inertia tensor given the polar moment of inertia and the gravitational potential coefficients.

InertiaTensor_from_shape(hilm, rho, n[, ...])

Calculate the inertia tensor given a radial density profile and shape of each interface.

moi(radius, rho, n[, normalized])

Calculate the mean, normalized, moment of inertia up to index n.

ReadRefModel(filename[, depth, quiet])

Read a reference interior model file in deck format and convert to the form required by HydrostaticShapeLith.